ACSQ Sustainability Roadmap
2023 - 2030
We acknowledge God is Creator whose first revelation is creation, and Jesus is the agent through whom all things have come into being and in whom there is life.
We recognise that the world is our host. Creation is endowed with rhythms and principles that can be ignored, but not abrogated. Humankind takes its place within the created order in covenant with the God of creation.
We accept that under God, we are citizens of the Community of Life, bearing agency and responsibility, and the Law of Sabbath binds all of humankind to creation.
We work as we pray: on earth as in heaven!
Along with other Anglican marks of mission, our faith calls us to;
strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth;
seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
This document responds to the General Synod Protection of the Environment Canon 2007 which says:
“This Church recognises that climate change is a most serious threat to the lives of the present and future generations. Accordingly, this Canon seeks to reduce the release of greenhouse gases by this Church and its agencies.”
The Protection of the Environment Canon was adopted by the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane in 2009.
We actively participate in the flourishing of God’s creation by working deliberately, urgently, creatively to limit and reduce human-induced warming and the resultant effects of climate change.
To be achieved by 2030
Institutional Responsibility
Address operational energy and
source 100% of our electricity from renewable providers and/or sources
actively reduce energy consumption
progressively migrate to electric appliances/machines
transition vehicles from fossil fuel to renewable where practically achievable
plan and record annual progress in reduction of non-renewable resource consumption
track the purchasing of products and materials, identifying and recording the energy spent in their production and delivery (embodied energy) in readiness for 2031-40 Roadmap.
Personal Responsibility
parishioner/member/community participation in transitioning 100% of household operational energy to renewable providers and/or sources
reduction in the use of consumable materials and ‘embodied energy’, re-using, re-cycling, up-cycling …
engaging and deepening connections with all creation
celebrating life, nature, seasons, connections, circular economies, the achievement of goals …
engagement in the production and distribution cycle of goods, deepening the understanding of energy and resources spent in their production and delivery
We will:
stand with those most affected by climate change and advocate for just policies and actions to support them
work for equitable access to renewables and a just transition for individuals and communities negatively impacted by the reduction in production of greenhouse gases.
proactively participate in the democratic process of safeguarding the integrity of creation
Operational Energy
This phrase describes the energy necessary and used in the activities of daily work and living.
The ACSQ Sustainability Roadmap 2023-2030 seeks to address operational energy and the necessary transition to renewables.
Embedded Energy
This phrase describes the energy required to create a product or material, and the energy used to move it from its manufacturing to user end point. It describes the energy inherent within physical things and spent in its transportation.
Accounting for and addressing this energy cost will be a significant focus for the ACSQ Sustainability Roadmap 2031-2040.
The Sustainability Roadmap lays out a framework for the Church and its agencies to formalise their bespoke Sustainability Action Plans, in a staged rollout revised every two years. Churches, schools and agencies shall sign up to this road map and:
establish their own time frames and mechanisms to achieve these goals; and
use their Sustainable Action Plans as a mechanism for effective action
record data, report on progress and celebrate successes.
The Sustainability Committee suggests that each Parish / School / Organisation create its own Sustainability Action Plan using the Sustainability Roadmap as a guide. Each community should consider its own unique situation and needs, and the capabilities of its members to plan and implement positive changes for creation. For example: if a new gas or petrol powered machinery or equipment has recently been purchased, it would be sensible to utilise the equipment until it is no longer functional or practical. Creating a timeline for transitioning all machines and appliances to electric in this way (ie when they need replacing) ensures that resources are used wisely. We suggest getting started with the Sustainability Audit Template, provided here, as a customisable guide to capture your current situation, and begin to make a plan. Contact for more information.
Renewable Energy
Green Electricity Provider
The Green Electricity Guide is a searchable interactive website ranking providers by their renewable energy rating, with a link to get a step-by-step instruction on switching from and to specific providers.
RoofTop Solar
There's a lot to consider when installing solar power. This website contains basic information on how solar power works, choosing the best solar power system for your needs, how to pay for it, finding an accredited solar power installer, connecting to the electricity grid, and accessing a feed-in tariff for any excess electricity you export to the grid.
The Queensland Government's Community Climate Action Grant (Round 7 Closed in Dec 2022) provides up to $100 000 for solar panels (as well as battery storage and upgrading to more efficient appliances). Contact for general advice on the application and considerations around providers. More info and contact to find out about upcoming rounds:
Battery Storage
Battery storage is an exciting new technology, but there are lots of questions to consider when you are looking for a system for your situation. Installing a battery storage system can provide several benefits when used in conjunction with an existing or new solar panel system. Check out the Clean Energy Council’s helpful guide here:
Electrifying Your Appliances
Switching from Gas to Electricity
This simple guide by The Conservation Council ACT explains how to take positive action for the environment by switching your gas Hot Water, and Stove & Oven to electric:
Weigh up the costs and benefits of electrifying your building/s, and find many resources on solar and batteries, and other tips for your sustainability journey.
Rewiring Australia
What is an electrified household? Resources from Author of The Big Switch, Dr Saul Griffith, and his team on the savings, emissions reductions, and energy system benefits of electrification.
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Hybrid Vehicles
General information on the costs and benefits of switching to Hybrid Vehicles
Electric Vehicles (EV)
Queensland-specific information on how much savings an average driver would save per year by switching from petrol to EV, and information on the $3,000 rebate, discounted vehicle registration and registration duty costs for EVs. (It is estimated that the total upfront and operational savings of switching to an EV over 5 years is around $10,950.)
Garden Tools
Mower, Blower, Snipper, Trimmer, Chainsaw, etc
Electric garden tools do not pollute our atmosphere like their petrol-powered counterparts. They are also low maintenance as there is no need to perform oil changes, treat fuel, change spark plugs or filters. And there is to need to store petrol. Newer ranges of electric garden tools also allow for the batteries to be shared between many appliances. Consider making your next garden tool purchase an electric one as they are also easy to start and handle, lightweight and also much cheaper to run. Newer ranges of electric garden tools also allow for the batteries to be shared between many appliances.
There are many other actions we can take. Find more tips and ideas from Australian Ethical Super.
Gas-powered barbecues pollute our climate, are heavy to move, and expensive to run. Electric Barbecues are more efficient, and when powered by a Renewable Electricity Supply, significantly lessens the impact on the environment. Other benefits include not having to buy fuel, cheaper to purchase and maintain, light and easy to move and transport, simple to clean, heats up faster, have a straightforward temperature control, as well as being healthier and safer. Consider making your next barbecue purchase an electric one.
Motorbikes (and Scooters and other recreational Vehicles)
Compared to Petrol-powered Motorcycles, Electric Motorcycles, when charged with renewable electricity supply, are a much better choice for the environment. They also deliver instant torque and power, require much less maintenance, are less expensive to run, and more comfortable to ride.
Sustainability Audit Template
The Sustainability Audit Template is a customisable guide to capture your current situation, and begin to make a plan.
Contact for more information. Click the button below to download:
Sign up to the Roadmap
We commit to the ACSQ Sustainability Roadmap 2023-2030
and agree to participate in endeavours that support it's implementation.
Join our growing list of organisations committed to the Roadmap
Parish of Aspley-Albany Creek
Parish of Bundaberg West - Good Shepherd
Parish of Logan
Parish of Maleny
Parish of Maroochydore
Parish of Milton
Parish of St Lucia
Parish of Toowoomba - St James
Parish of Toowoomba West
St John’s Cathedral -