
Our vision

Flourishing faith communities: proclaiming and serving, worshipping and learning.

Our mission

The Mission of the Church is the Mission of Christ — to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God.

  • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers.

  • To respond to human need by loving service.

  • To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation.

  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

  • To worship and celebrate the grace of God.

  • To live as one holy Catholic and apostolic Church.

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Our values

We aim to be:

  • Faithful — steadfast in love for God and each other and steadfast in purpose to undertake God’s mission.

  • Imaginative and creative — being intentional about reforming culture and traditions for God’s world.

  • Courageous — to risk new things and, where necessary, to make bold decisions.

  • Authentic — being genuine and confident in living and speaking about what we believe as followers of Christ.

  • Comprehensive — being welcoming and respectful of a broad range of ideas, people and approaches, and open to dialogue and learning.

Our key focus areas

Comprehensive Anglican identity and purpose

  • Articulate, celebrate, and share a distinctive ACSQ approach to a comprehensive Anglican identity and purpose.

Energising, nurturing and mobilising ACSQ’s people

  • Establish and sustain a comprehensive leadership development program so that we have the capacity to grow flourishing faith communities.

  • Leverage the collective energy and capability of ACSQ’s people so that we have increased resources to advance all aspects of Church life.

  • Develop a framework and support for clergy wellbeing and development.

Flourishing parishes and faith communities

  • Foster missional communities which are accessible, sustainable and strategically placed across the Diocese.

Engagement with each other and the wider community

  • Engender a sense of belonging to the whole of ACSQ across parishes and other mission agencies, schools, early childhood services and community services.

  • Participate in the marketplace of ideas on key justice issues.

  • Orientate faith communities outwards in service to the wider community.

Stewardship and sustainability of resources

  • Steward our resources to grow our effectiveness in mission in sustainable ways.


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Comprehensive Anglicanism