Chaplaincy is open to anyone with a heart for people
Chaplaincy is an important ministry of the Church, and open to anyone with a heart for people. It is about caring for people, listening to them, being there for them and walking beside them on their life’s journey, both at milestones and in the quiet spaces in between.
You can find chaplains everywhere: in schools, prisons, hospitals, universities, the police service, the Australian Defence Force, and aged care and community spaces. If you would like to connect with a chaplain, or feel called to serve in this special ministry, please get in touch.
The Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s Hospital Ministry Team provides pastoral care services to patients in over 40 hospitals across Southern Queensland. They are at the cutting edge of ministry, meeting patients and their families at the most vulnerable times in their lives.
Police Chaplains provide spiritual, welfare and pastoral support to Queensland Police Service officers, employees, retired officers and their families. This ministry is carried out through relationship building, and also involves baptisms, weddings, funerals and blessings of new police buildings, boats and facilities.
Anglican prison chaplaincy is a ministry of pastoral and spiritual care offered to inmates within the 11 correctional centres located within the Anglican Church Southern Queensland. It is a ministry delivered by a small and dedicated group of voluntary lay people.
Anglicare chaplains
Anglicare’s Spiritual and Pastoral Care Team provides care across eight Residential Aged Care Homes and six Community Aged and Disability Care Services in Southern Queensland. Our services are available to all our residents, home care clients, employees and family members. While our spiritual and pastoral support is built on a Christian foundation, we welcome the opportunity to support everyone regardless of personal beliefs. For more information about Anglicare pastoral care services, please contact Colin Lim: phone 0457 609 458 or email
School chaplains
Anglican school chaplaincy is a ministry of pastoral and spiritual care. A school chaplain’s core business is to share the love of God through Jesus Christ. This overarching purpose finds its expression in different facets of the life of our schools with chaplains involved in a mix of liturgical, teaching and pastoral care. School chaplains are called to love and serve students, staff and school leadership, and this sees them involved in many aspects of school communities. For further information, please contact the Anglican Schools Commission: email
defence force chaplainS
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Chaplains provide a wide-ranging ministry of pastoral support and care to ADF members, who often face difficult experiences of conflict, change and challenge. ADF Chaplains provide a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on and a helping hand. Chaplains listen to, support and assist ADF members to achieve what is best for them and their families — at work and at home.