< What We Do

The contribution of children, young people and their families to the Anglican Church is not just important for the church of tomorrow; it is vital for the church of today. The Anglican Youth, Children’s and Families (AYCF) ministries team based at St Francis College in Milton has a vision statement which says:

“AYCF will be a thriving hub of Christ-centred ministries that empowers, inspires and equips youth, children and families.”

In practice, this means we act as both consultants and facilitators, serving the parishes and agencies of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland. As consultants, we are like a ‘Research and Development’ department, with extensive knowledge and expertise in all aspects of AYCF ministry, able to act as a Helpdesk for enquiries of all kinds.

As proactive facilitators, we lead and manage events across the Diocese, including an extensive camping program for school students (known as ‘Ichthus camps’) and programs for Young Adults (18-25). We run regular training events and also assist parishes who are seeking to employ professional AYCF ministers.