Reducing the footprint of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland
The object of Angligreen is to support the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, its parishes and agencies in fulfilling the fifth mark of mission of the diocese, “to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the Earth”.
By offering parishes and agencies support our hope was that parishes could find some small thing that could be a source of life and growth for their community, and that the actions they chose would draw on the interests, strengths or particular skills of the people in their community and be fulfilling for them.
Angligreen continues to work purposefully to provide resources to ensure that the theology of creation is at the forefront of ministries in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland.
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As a Friend of AngliGreen you will:
Receive a monthly newsletter with news, Tips and Tools to reduce your impact on the environment;
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Be advised of AngliGreenmeetings and the AGM and you my attend but not vote.
If you are a member of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, you can become a Member of AngliGreenby completing the details below relating to church participation.
As a Member of AngliGreen, in addition, you will:
Have the right to attend and vote at all Annual General and General Meetings of AngliGreen;
Be eligible for nomination for appointment to any office of AngliGreen; and
Have the right to introduce visitors at any meeting of AngliGreen.
Welcome to the AngliGreen community and please complete our Registration Form.
Contact Angligreen
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Mailing List
Keep up to date with the latest environmental news and actions with Angligreen’s monthly newsletter
Angligreen Newsletter
Sustainability Roadmap
Angligreen Brochure COMING SOON
Angligreen Seven Rs Audit COMING SOON
Top 10 Energy Saving Tips COMING SOON
Simple Church Building Energy Audit Checklist
Five Leaf Eco-awards Assessment Form
Five Leaf Eco-Awards (Online links)
Environmental Impact of Food
Eco-friendly Products
Useful Online Links
Partners & Links
Queensland Churches Environmental Network (QCEN) ’s mission is to facilitate the Church’s call to love and care for creation as a vital expression of faith.
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) is a grassroots multi-faith network that mobilises people of all faiths to take effective action for climate justice.
QARRCC (Queensland Australian Religious Response to Climate Change) meets regularly to plan actions for climate justice in our state in conjunction with ARRCC.
Anglican Communion Environmental Network From extreme weather to food shortages all of us are affected. Guided by the fifth Mark of Mission members of the Anglican Communion Environment Network strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth.