What does it mean to be Anglican?


“Anglicans seek to work with the Holy Spirit to overcome divisions between churches, so that all Christians may be one.”

Anglicans are Christians, members of the universal church, valuing what is distinctive about the worldwide Anglican Communion. Anglicans seek to work with the Holy Spirit to overcome divisions between churches, so that all Christians may be one.


Worship of God is central to Anglicans.

There is variety in Anglican worship: contemporary and informal, or traditional and formal. A special place is given to the Eucharist, in which we share the sacrament (the visible sign with spiritual meaning) of the body and blood of Christ.

Reading and meditating on the Bible plays a major part in Anglican life and belief.


  • Anglicans bring together traditions from the early centuries of Christianity, ancient Celtic Christianity, medieval Catholicism and the European Reformation of the sixteenth century.

  • The name Anglican indicates roots in the Church of England and still involves being in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

“Anglicans bring together traditions from the early centuries of Christianity, ancient Celtic Christianity, medieval Catholicism and the European Reformation of the sixteenth century.”


  • Today, Anglicans embrace a variety of languages and cultures from many different parts of the world, giving distinctive features to our worship, church life and theology.

  • Anglicans today are actively exploring how our own land and multicultural heritage enrich Australian Anglicanism.

  • Anglicans world-wide are seeking to reflect something of the unity-in-diversity of God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit: three persons in one God.

 Information supplied by Canon Dr Don Edwards, BD, PhD, Grad Cert ED (retired) Rector of St Peter the Fisherman, Bramble Bay (retired)
 Anglican Church Southern Queensland.